Who Wants A Free Coinbase Listing?

Who Wants A Free Coinbase Listing?


It’s alt division again, and every crypto-community is accepting aflame at the adventitious of a new exchange. Coinbase, the better barter of all (except for a few added ones) has thrown accessible its doors to any activity that cares to apply–and they’re not alike acquisitive a listing fee (yet). 

This is a big deal, abnormally for newer projects. Over the accomplished year, best exchanges accept fabricated coffer from advertisement fees—which meant that developers had to aggregate huge budgets through premining. Coinbase isn’t aloof authoritative crypto easier to buy—it’s additionally allowance projects break decentralized.

Any agenda asset is acceptable to apply—provided they canyon a “legal and aegis review.” They additionally accept to accommodated Coinbase’s Digital Asset Framework, which requires that listed currencies accept liquidity, acclaimed developers, break absolute problems, and be “public, decentralized, and [enable] arguable consensus.” That rules out a lot of the projects on CMC—but that won’t stop them from trying. 

These are some of the best acceptable contenders for a new Coinbase Listing–and the hurdles they’re acceptable to face.


Pro: If any crypto seems like it deserves a Coinbase listing, it’s the third—wait, second—nevermind, third—largest cryptocurrency by Market Cap. Moreover, with the affiance of new articles like xRapid that are aimed at institutional adoption, XRP’s stars assume actual ablaze indeed. 

Ripple has a been aggravating to get XRP listed on Coinbase back at atomic December, but so far it’s still ashore in the acquaintance zone. It hasn’t got to third-Coin-base yet, but it could be rounding home afore we apperceive it.

Cons: It’s not bright whether Coinbase is angry off by Ripple’s absorption or ambiguous aegis status. But it might accept article to do with the afterward requirement:

There is an algorithmically programmed aggrandizement amount which incentivizes aegis and arrangement effects. Or, if the absolute accumulation is capped, again a majority of the tokens should be accessible for barter back the arrangement launches.

Ripple currently controls over 60% of all XRP, best of it in timelocks. Sorry, Brad. 


Pro: We’re not abiding what’s on Jed McCaleb’s mind, but admirers of XRP’s younger, hotter sister are absolutely acquisitive for a Coinbase listing. The lumen badge ticks about all the boxes—the tech improves on earlier accord protocols, it has real-world use-cases and authorization pairings, and the lumens alike passes Coinbase’s aggrandizement requirement. 

Con: Although it looks bigger than XRP, buying of lumens is alike more centralized than XRP. By Coinbase’s requirements, it ability be a few decades afore Arch is abundantly decentralized. 


Pro: If Coinbase doesn’t get an appliance from Dash, again the absolute agents of Dash Core Group should be anon fired. Despite the analogously low ranking, Digital Cash is ahead in brick-and-mortar adoption, and has a long-term plan to accomplish crypto as acceptable as sending a text. 

Con: Although Dash is accepting absolute use, it may accept agitation casual Coinbase’s requirements. To an outsider, Dash Core Group looks cautiously like a “central organizer” and sources adumbration that its attorneys accept beatific a postcard to the SEC. That doesn’t beggarly it won’t be listed, but it will apparently crave a few additional thoughts. 

Z Cash:

Pro: ZEC is the likeliest applicant amid aloofness coins. Although XMR is bigger known, it additionally comes with added problems  and adverse darknet associations.

Cons: Although Z-Cash is based on ablaze engineering, the user acquaintance is still acutely limited.


Pro: Despite the analogously low bazaar cap, Dogecoin is abundant afterpiece to accumulation acceptance than several beyond coins. Shibes consistently accelerate added money in added affairs than accepted Coinbase listees Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum Classic. Moreover, clashing EOS or VeChain, it’s one of the few cryptocurrencies that your non-tech accompany accept absolutely heard of. 

Con: We were tempted to amble out all the old artifice memes, but you’re apparently as ailing of them as we are.  The accuracy is that Dogecoin isn’t alike the better antic on this list. 


Pro: The Nano association apparently has added beyond fingers than any added crypto group. Despite the affiance of fast, free affairs with acute scalability, Nano absent its big adventitious with the Bitgrail Hack. Since again the development armamentarium seems to be exhausted, with no new listings in sight.

Cons: There are activity to be a lot of aloft eyebrows back Coinbase reviews this advertisement application. Besides the actuality that 20% of all Nano were stolen, devs will accept to explain how Nano meets this requirement:

There are mechanisms (such as transaction fees) which incentivize miners, validators, and added participants to display ‘good’ behavior. Conversely, there are mechanisms which avert ‘bad’ behavior.


Pro: Dream on. 

Con: We don’t accept time.

The columnist has investments in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Stellar and Ripple, which are mentioned in this article.