3Commas Becomes First Binance Broker Partner

3Commas Becomes First Binance Broker Partner

THELOGICALINDIAN - 3Commas allows users to barter cryptocurrencies by benefiting from Binance functionality and clamminess The aggregation which operates 3cexchange a crypto trading belvedere that appearance automatic trading and acute trading has become the Binances aboriginal Broker Partner

What is Binance Broker Partner?

Malta-based Binance launched the affairs in September 2019 as an action to abutment crypto brokers worldwide. The ambition is to initially recruit 100 agent ally that action crypto trading casework via API (application programming interface).

As allotment of the program, Binance provides 3c.exchange with adjustment analogous solutions, annual administration and barter adjustment systems. Thus, 3c.exchange traders can advantage Binance’s clamminess and bazaar abyss and pay for free. All they accept to pay are the trading fees.

As for Binance itself, it doesn’t charge any addition – it is by far one of the best avant-garde and defended crypto exchanges out there. The aggregation run by Changpeng Zhao (aka CZ) can avowal one of the better circadian trading aggregate abstracts in the world.

By aperture an annual with 3c.exchange, traders can affix with one of Binance platforms. Basically, every Binance Trader on 3c.exchange is an annual on Binance abaft the scenes.

Why Trade on 3c.exchange Anyway?

3c.exchange merges the 3Commas features with Binance basement and liquidity. This is a different aggregate that allows users to adapt their trading experience.

Here are the capital appearance of the new barter operated by 3Commas:

Besides, the 3c.exchange belvedere hosts the Tradingview chart, which comes with bags of abstruse assay accoutrement and assorted appearance modes.

If you go for 3c.exchange, you can account from all the mentioned appearance and never anguish about liquidity. With the Binance trader, 3Commas users can barter with any bulk and aggregate while advantageous no account cost.

For added information, subscribe to 3C.exchange‘s official Telegram channel. 

What do you accomplish of Binance’s new agent partner? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, 3C.exchange

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