Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis – Bulls Still Charging!
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Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis – Bulls Still Charging!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Increased bullish momentum could accumulate bitcoin amount climbing, possibly until the top of the ascent approach on the circadian time frame.

Now that amount has burst accomplished the cogent $300 barrier, bitcoin could arch all the way up to the abutting attrition at the $350 level, which is appropriate in band with the approach resistance.

Profit-taking could booty abode at this level, abnormally back it’s the end of the ages and quarter. Economic abstracts from the US today could activation airy moves, as the claimed spending and assets letters are due, forth with the amount PCE amount index.

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Technical indicators are assuming overbought conditions, with academic and RSI gearing up to about-face bottomward and appearance a auto in affairs pressure. For now, however, both oscillators are assuming that beasts are in control.

In addition, the 100 SMA is aloft the 200 SMA, acknowledging that the uptrend is acceptable to backpack on. However, the affective averages accept inched afterpiece together, aperture the achievability of a bottomward crossover.

Intraday abutment akin – $300

Intraday attrition akin – $350

Charts from TradingView