BYZANTIUM ICO Agency Annual Report – Madly Successful Year
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BYZANTIUM ICO Agency Annual Report – Madly Successful Year


During 2017 BYZANTIUM has auspiciously provided their casework to the best able ICOs, including Crypviser, CryptoPing, Goldmint, Mircomoney, Naga Badge Sale and Bankex. Moreover, they formed with The Badge Fund. Best of the projects accustomed Strategy & Consulting / Marketing & PR / Community administration & Support / Branding & Web-development casework from BYZANTIUM which resulted in added than 12,000 BTC aggregate (in absolute for all projects based on the sum calm on the aftermost day of the badge auction adapted to BTC in accordance to barter rates).

BYZANTIUM generated added than 1000 crypto and advance media publications for their audience as able-bodied as admiring bags of ICO investors to the projects.

Speaking about business development, BYZANTIUM Agency has admiring big crypto “stars” as admiral and investors to their clients.

BYZANTIUM specializes on PPC advertising, accouterment casework of paid announcement on amusing media and analytic engines. Thus, audience get bags of absolutely best conversions with abundant about-face ante and acute optimization.

Moreover, BYZANTIUM adjourned and organized added than 50 cardinal partnerships for their audience (like partnerships with Bancor, Cointelegraph etc.).

Let’s accord accurate absorption to the aftermost two projects BYZANTIUM has had this year. NAGA and Bankex accept calm $50 actor and $66 actor appropriately during their ICOs. BYZANTIUM managed to accompany added than 60 thousand backers to NAGA authoritative it the additional better ICO in agreement of backers up to date. The key blueprint for success authoritative BYZANTIUM so different is the abysmal akin of captivation into the aggregation of a activity it works with and the after-effects allege for themselves.

…And Now the New 2024 Year is About to Begin!

Now that the year has ended, BYZANTIUM ICO Agency is accommodating to action to their approaching audience a accomplished arrangement of altered services:

The key amount hypothesis of the Agency is the adeptness of the amount aggregation to accommodate central the client’s aggregation and become a allotment of the absolute anatomic article to be able to accommodate as abundant amount for the activity as possible. Thus, the Agency provides not alone consulting casework but integrates themselves with the projects they are alive with.

Moreover, it is important to acknowledgment that BYZANTIUM is alive with no added than 2 audience at a time in adjustment to advance aerial KPIs and efficiency, which is aberrant nowadays due to the actuality that best agencies assignment as ICO boxes accouterment their casework to tens of projects which usually after-effects in poor affection and low about-face rates.


BYZANTIUM is a Leading Token Sale Consulting Agency founded by a aggregation of professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, investing, PR, and marketing. The accomplished aggregation consists of 17 members. Moreover, the Agency has lots of subcontractors on hand. This accomplished “marketing army” can catechumen any able activity into a cool acknowledged one.

The co-founders of BYZANTIUM Peter Bel and Max Uperyaka accept an absorbing background. Peter was amid the aboriginal associates of the CoinTelegraph team. Together with Max, they managed cartage and PR on the Humaniq activity that angry out to be a big success. After that they founded BYZANTIUM and began as a business agency, which adapted into an ICO Bureau as of today. Thus, now it not alone provides full-cycle ICO casework but additionally attracts clandestine and institutional investors.

Also, BYZANTIUM owns accident tracker that can advice anybody accumulate clue of the latest blockchain contest out there. It’s absolutely chargeless of allegation to use.

So, if you accept a able activity with an existing product, anticipation out tokenomics, as able-bodied as a absolutely air-conditioned idea in mind, and you are planning on accomplishing an ICO – feel chargeless to acquaintance BYZANTIUM via an email: [email protected] or Telegram: @bzntm to alpha the cooperation ASAP!