EOS Bug Bounty Launch Raises Questions From Industry Experts
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EOS Bug Bounty Launch Raises Questions From Industry Experts

THELOGICALINDIAN - The mainnet barrage of EOS is inching afterpiece As such the developers appetite to ensure there are no abiding bugs or baleful flaws for hackers to accomplishment A bug compensation affairs has been created which rewards 10000 for every bug apparent and aggregate This is a absolute development alike admitting the adventure additionally receives some backfire from industry experts

The EOS Bounty Program

It is admirable to see developers pay absorption to activity security. Especially in the apple of blockchain and cryptocurrency, aegis is absolutely important. Developing a compensation affairs to bare any cipher bugs is a big footfall in the appropriate direction. For the EOS team, it seems this is a acute accommodation which will advance the activity above-mentioned to its capital net launch.

The aggregation hopes to acquisition any different bugs which may be present in its cipher base. EOS doesn’t charge any issues abolition the arrangement or giving crooked users appropriate privileges. All bugs can be submitted to Block One, and the letters will be accurate by this article as well. Users who abide a bug for the accolade will charge to accommodate a accurate ID to verify their identity.

Contrary to some reports, there is no delay in the absolution of EOSIO v1. While some issues were discovered by researchers, best of the problems accept been addressed already. That is a absolute development and confirms the charge of the team. There are still some issues which are in the action of actuality fixed. Which issues those are exactly, charcoal to be seen.

Charlie Lee Shares Some Thoughts

Any bug compensation affairs in the cryptocurrency apple deserves to be applauded. However, such ventures will additionally face some criticism, for rather accessible reasons. Charlie Lee, the developer of Litecoin, has some arresting animadversion apropos the EOS compensation program. More specifically, he thinks the rewards offered for award and administration bugs are on the low side. The EOS activity aloft over $4 billion through its year-long ICO, afterwards all.

Moreover, this compensation is appear at an absorbing time. The EOS mainnet will go alive in the abutting two to three days. Asking users to attending for bugs so abutting to the barrage raises some actual austere questions. Combined with the contempo bugs discovered by researchers, it is alone accustomed some bodies catechism this activity in its accepted state. If it were to fail, it can bound spell the end for EOS as a whole.

For now, users accept to delay and see how things evolve. If no bugs are discovered, the mainnet barrage will go off after a hitch. Even so, it doesn’t beggarly the technology will assignment altogether out of the box either. These abutting few weeks will be acute to the success of this project, yet annihilation has been set in bean aloof yet.