BCH-Centric Videocast Gives Guests SLP Tokens

BCH-Centric Videocast Gives Guests SLP Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Cash has been about for absolutely some time but lots of individuals are still acquirements about the avant-garde technology anniversary and every day One accurate way bodies can be kept up to date with cryptorelated account and apprentice about the allowances of Bitcoin Cash BCH is through podcasts and alive media The Bitcoin Cast appearance is a BCHcentric affairs hosted on Youtube that covers user and merchant acceptance throughout the BCH ecosystem

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Focusing on User and Merchant Adoption

There are abundant methods and resources available for bodies who appetite to be kept beside of all the Bitcoin Cash affairs and accretion some ability on assertive aspects of the BCH technology. Streaming media and podcasts are abundant mediums for bodies to blot this affectionate of information, with shows that breach aggregate bottomward in readily barefaced fashion. However, some crypto shows are abounding with cool amount predictions and advertisement hosts who could affliction beneath about user adoption. In adverse to those crypto shows, the Bitcoin Cast Youtube affairs hosted by BCH proponents Christian and Tao Jones is a altered story. During the alpha of every adventure of Bitcoin Cast, the appearance addition says: “Unlike added shows, we are not actuality to focus on amount — Join us as we awning some added user and merchant acceptance of Bitcoin.”

News.Bitcoin.com afresh covered an absorbing episode of Bitcoin Cast back appearance host Christian spoke with Oscar Salas, organizer of the Maracaibo city, Venezuela BCH meetup. Bitcoin Cast gives admirers a different angle on user and merchant acceptance aural the BCH ecosystem as the appearance hosts altercate assorted capacity surrounding BCH. The program’s 36 episodes additionally affection a advanced arrangement of able-bodied accepted BCH developers, executives, influencers, and enthusiasts. Appearance guests accommodate Jose from Eatbch, Code Valley’s Noel Lovisa, Bitcoin.com Podcast host Matt Aaron, Free Talk Live’s Ian Freeman, and Cointext CTO Vin Armani. Bitcoin Cast can be begin on Youtube and Dlive, and the appearance additionally leverages the latest BCH angled account for livestreamers tipbitcoin.cash. The appearance hosts are big believers in the association and the broadcast’s admirers and guests get thanked regularly on Twitter.

Bitcoin Cast Launches a Token That Bolsters Community Appreciation for Guests Spreading Bitcoin Cash Awareness

Just recently, Bitcoin Cast appear that an SLP badge was created for the appearance and the badge is alone accustomed to accomplished guests. The badge was created so the program’s guests who are accepted for overextension user and merchant acceptance can be adored in a decentralized manner. Essentially, anyone can accelerate the Bitcoin Cast show’s guests a BCH acquittal via Bitcoin.com’s SLP allotment acquittal calculator. The apparatus lets users accelerate BCH allotment payments to badge holders and additionally allows bodies to airdrop SLP tokens to badge holders as well. “All you charge to do is adhesive the badge ID into the Bitcoin.com SLP allotment calculator,” explained Bitcoin Cast on Twitter. Further, Christian created a 5-minute tutorial video about the Bitcoin Cast SLP badge so admirers can get a butt of what the badge is all about. “Thanks in beforehand for any donations sent,” the Bitcoin Cast video description on Youtube states.

When you appetite to apprentice about Bitcoin Cash or relax and accept to a accidental appearance about the BCH environment, Bitcoin Cast hits the spot. Alternatively, there are a few added Youtube shows, podcasts, and livestreamers that awning BCH in abundant detail. There are alert programs like Collin Enstad’s Collin’ It Like It Is, the Coinspice podcast with C. Edward Kelso, the accepted Youtube appearance Crypt0, and Bitcoin.com’s podcast network with appearance host Matt Aaron.

As videos and alive media abide to abound in acceptance alongside the advance of the Bitcoin Cash network, you can agreement there will be added and added abundant BCH agreeable accessible on the web. The Bitcoin Cast appearance is a different affairs for bodies who aloof appetite to focus on what they affliction about: BCH user and merchant adoption. At the aforementioned time, Bitcoin Cast admirers can appearance association acknowledgment for the show’s above-mentioned guests with the different SLP badge idea. Check out the addition video for the Bitcoin Cast badge below.

Have you apparent the Bitcoin Cast show? What do you anticipate about the Bitcoin Cast SLP badge idea? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Jamie Redman, Bitcoin Cast, Fair Use, Youtube, and Wiki.

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