PR: Rocket ICO Soft Cap Reached
press release

PR: Rocket ICO Soft Cap Reached

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TheRocket ICO aggregation is animated to advertise that it has accomplished its bendable cap of 500 ETH and abide to accession funds. 526 ETH were calm during the pre-ICO stage, which will aftermost for addition 5 days.

During the pre-ICO stage, a bound allocation of tokens (1 mln) can be purchased with a 30% discount.

The capital ICO is appointed for October 10, 2017 – November 10, 2017.
During the ICO, 1 ETH will accord an broker 300 ROCK tokens, but appropriate now, investors can get 390 ROCKs per 1 ETH. The action expires in 5 days.

Rocket ICO is a decentralized accelerator that connects experts, investors, and start-ups in an accomplishment to alike the blockchain association added calmly and body assurance aural it. It will actualize an ecosystem that is benign for all its members.

Rocket ICO is ideal for startups that aim to accession advance in cryptocurrency. It is an ecosystem area teams with ideas, experts and investors can collaborate finer and deeply to actualize projects, barrage ICOs, and animate allotment in cryptocurrency.
The Rocket ICO belvedere is congenital on the Solidity DAO framework and will represent a decentralized web appliance (Dapp).

The Platform solves abounding problems faced by entrepreneurs and investors. It will accessible new opportunities for mutually benign cooperation amid all associates of the community. It is congenital on Ethereum, and its use of acute affairs guarantees able advantage for all participants in this system.

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Media Contact
Contact Name: Dmitry Konopelko
Contact Email: [email protected]
Location: Minsk, Belarus

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