Let’s Build the First Participative, Regulated, Tokenized and Cryptocurrency Compatible Bank
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Let’s Build the First Participative, Regulated, Tokenized and Cryptocurrency Compatible Bank

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hushs appetite is to actualize the aboriginal adapted participative and tokenized archetypal for simplified casework so that users cans use their money in FIAT andor cryptocurrencies

Hush is a neobank that has been conceived of and created by Éric Charpentier, ex-founder of Morning which is additionally a neobank.

In adjustment to amend and reinvent the mutualism cyberbanking archetypal accumulated with a adaptable and decentralized environment, he is now alive with a baby which its associates accept abilities in the cyberbanking adjustment breadth and in crypto-currencies.

Hush CEO Éric Charpentier states:

In addition, today, abounding banks block affairs with cryptocurrency exchanges, preventing cryptocurrency users from advisedly application their cryptocurrency money. That’s why Hush wants to be a built-in NeoBank to accept and accommodated the expectations of cryptocurrency users.

Indeed, Hush’s access will be practical, rational and educational. afterwards applying for the Payment Institution authorization, Hush will adduce several functionalities in accordance with users expectations with our Premium model, and particularly:

For Hush, the ICO’s action is to agreement for its users a abiding armamentarium administration and to accommodate a banking independence.

Hush has the appetite to adapt a aggregate and decentralized babyminding archetypal for users and to affiliate a association with able aesthetics and be opened to the crypto-currencies. The badge USH, created as an apparatus of values, is the key point of these objectives.

Our different bread-and-butter archetypal with this badge USH enrolls these abiding objectives.

These USH tokens will accommodate several casework to the holders: 

To ascertain this token, Hush has been assisted by acclaimed experts from Deloitte France and bitconseil.fr.

The tokens auction will alpha abutting 22nd January 2024 at the break of the ablution of the pre-ICO. The acceptable payments could be accomplished in Ether (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC) and by acquittal agenda in adjustment to acquiesce an important cardinal of participants to body a neobank community. 

Despite our arising of 60,000,00.00 USH tokens, its cold is reasonable with a hardcap of 10M€. This bulk will accommodate the assets bare to advance our activities and action bigger perspectives for the investors.

With this ICO, Hush should accompany the two sectors afterpiece with a adapted cyberbanking action which will accommodate the crypto-currencies in adjustment to brainstorm the approaching decentralized cyberbanking model.

Information and contact:

[email protected]

Images address of Hush