US Senate Committee Advances Bill to Mitigate Risks From El Salvador Adopting Bitcoin as Legal Tender

US Senate Committee Advances Bill to Mitigate Risks From El Salvador Adopting Bitcoin as Legal Tender

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Senate bill to abate the risks from El Salvador adopting bitcoin as acknowledged breakable has avant-garde in the US As El Salvador has adopted bitcoin as acknowledged breakable its analytical we abate risks to our banking arrangement said one of the US assembly who alien the bill

Bill to Mitigate Risks From Bitcoin Being Legal Tender in El Salvador Passes Senate Committee

The U.S Assembly Adopted Relations Committee (SFRC) has avant-garde the ‘‘Accountability for Cryptocurrency in El Salvador Act’’ or ‘‘ACES Act.’’ The bill was alien on Feb. 16 by Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), and Bill Cassidy (R-La.). It aims to abate the risks from El Salvador adopting bitcoin as acknowledged tender.

SFRC Ranking Member Senator Risch tweeted Wednesday:

“The legislation anesthetized by SFRC today requires federal agencies to appraise risks, including abeyant empowerment of bad actors & organized crime,” he said.

The proposed legislation requires a address from the State Department on El Salvador’s acceptance of bitcoin as acknowledged breakable and a plan to abate abeyant risks to the U.S. banking system. The address would accommodate an assay of El Salvador’s bitcoin law and the risks for cybersecurity, bread-and-butter stability, and autonomous governance.

El Salvador adopted bitcoin as a civic bill alongside the U.S. dollar in September aftermost year. Since then, the country has purchased 1,801 BTC altogether.

Responding to the Senate board casual the bill, Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele tweeted:

In a aftereffect tweet, he wrote: “The U.S. government does not angle for abandon and that is a accurate fact. So we will angle for freedom. Game on.”

Senator Bill Cassidy responded to Bukele’s cheep about freedom. He wrote: “Salvadoran association in the United States don’t like this policy. We are actuality acknowledging to their concerns. Perhaps they don’t assurance a admiral who brags about trading bitcoin ‘naked.'”

The U.S. is not the alone country anxious about El Salvador’s bitcoin law. In November aftermost year, Bank of England (BOE) Governor Andrew Bailey aloft concerns about bitcoin actuality acclimated as acknowledged breakable in El Salvador.

Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has again apprenticed the country to abandon bitcoin as acknowledged tender. According to the IMF, the costs of authoritative BTC acknowledged breakable beat the abeyant benefits.

El Salvador, however, does not see a acumen to calibration aback its bitcoin law. In fact, President Bukele has predicted that two added countries will accept BTC as acknowledged breakable this year.

What do you anticipate about the U.S. bill to abate the risks of El Salvador adopting bitcoin as acknowledged tender? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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