Litecoin Price Analysis – Very Helpful Trading Points
technical analysis

Litecoin Price Analysis – Very Helpful Trading Points

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin is currently trading at 2894 extending its break in the ambit of 25003200 afterwards the US Fed absitively to authority off on adopting the absorption ante The move has additionally buoyed the Bitcoin bazaar which is blame for college levels as abbreviate accoutrement begins

Today’s assay will accompany alternating some admired trading points, apparent afterwards researching the account LTC-USD amount chart.

litecoin amount chart


Litecoin Blueprint Structure – The blueprint aloft acutely tells that Litecoin has been accumulation in a baby ambit for added than two weeks now. In the antecedent week, Litecoin asleep all the assets it accomplished above-mentioned to that week, and the closing akin of this anniversary may activity important clues about the apparent amount action.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence – Here comes the aboriginal surprise. Even admitting the cryptocurrency is captivation its ground, the bearings is deepening on the abstruse front. The Histogram is continuously accretion its losses for the third beeline anniversary as MACD continues to slide. MACD is almost absolute at 0.1005 while Signal Line is at 0.2710. The Histogram now reads a amount of -0.1706.

Momentum – The Momentum amount has succumbed to the everyman akin of 2024 i.e. -2.3431, alike as the amount presents a altered picture. This is absolutely a big divergence!

Money Flow Index – Another hasty aspect came from the MFI account account of 69.7804. This is actual abutting to the overbought akin of 80.

Relative Strength Index – Even on a account basis, the RSI boilerplate supports the bullish appearance with a amount of 47.8715.


Based on the aloft abstruse factors, I can say that the amount activity of Litecoin is a bit misleading. Even admitting it is captivation its arch abreast $3.000, the inherent anatomy is appreciably weak.

Market participants should pay heed to the aloft considerations and abide to dump Litecoin on rallies.