OKEx DeFi Token Listing Spree Continues, Adds 8 Projects in One Day!

OKEx DeFi Token Listing Spree Continues, Adds 8 Projects in One Day!

THELOGICALINDIAN - OKEx the arch crypto atom and derivatives barter belvedere which is additionally a able backer of DeFi solutions continues to breach its own almanac by rapidly evaluating and advertisement DeFi projects on its belvedere Last anniversary it listed 8 able projects including Band Protocol BAND JUST JST REN REN Reserve Rights RSR YearnFinance YFI Nexus Mutual wNXM YFIIfinance YFII and Tellor TRB

OKEx opened atom trading pairs for these new tokens adjoin USDT, BTC and ETH on August 28, 2020. The admittance of these tokens carefully follows the platform’s contempo advertisement of Mantra DAO (OM), a DeFi band-aid for Web3 Foundation’s flagship Polkadot protocol. Incidentally, Polkadot’s DOT token went alive on August 21, 2020, afterward the redenomination process, in adherence to a association vote.

The CEO of OKEx Jay Hao commenting on the new listings said, “OKEx has been actively celebratory the DeFi bazaar dynamics and aggravating our best to coact with high-quality avant-garde DeFi projects that appearance the best potential. We are actual encouraged to see so abounding accomplished projects arising in the market, as this additionally indicates that the DeFi amplitude is developing rapidly.”

The accession of 8 new tokens of arch projects that ambit from oracles and allowance to adherence and clamminess providers in the DeFi amplitude brings the absolute cardinal of DeFi tokens on OKEx to 27. In adjustment to accommodated the ascent absorption in DeFi projects amid the trading community, the belvedere has additionally created a new DeFi Category on its website so that users can bound acquisition all the advice in one place.

Listing of 8 tokens on a distinct day is a huge accomplishment that happens rarely on boilerplate crypto platforms. It additionally signifies the adequacy of OKEx to move bound and acclimate to the demands of its users, while reinforcing its abutment for DeFi projects.

Reiterating the platform’s charge Mr. Hao said, “The accommodation to account eight new DeFi tokens today is far from the end of OKEx’s abutment for DeFi projects. We are committed to continuously allowance the development of DeFi and added announcement the blockchain industry.” Added adding, “We abide to be actual optimistic about the development affairs of DeFi. We accept that DeFi will become an accomplished supplement to the acceptable banking arrangement acknowledgment to its amount qualities of high-efficiency, high-security, low-friction and low costs.”

Meanwhile, OKEx continues to appraise new and accessible projects in the blockchain amplitude as it looks advanced to added aggrandize its portfolio by advertisement tokens with the abeyant to accomplish decentralized banking casework accessible to the masses.