Artwork Fit for the Rich and Famous Sold for Cryptocurrency
blockchain art

Artwork Fit for the Rich and Famous Sold for Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - An artisan who has awash pieces to Hollywood Alisters bedrock stars and able athletes afresh awash an absolute accumulating of his assignment for cryptocurrency Lincoln Townley is is abolition the apple of art sales with his beatnik methods of exhibition as able-bodied as the acquittal methods he accepts

Artist Embraces Technology to Shake Up the World of Fine Art

Lincoln Townley is a London and LA-based artist. His high-profile collectors accommodate the brand of Michael Caine, Al Pacino, Sting, and Ronaldinho. Townley is agog to agitate the way art is auctioned. Not alone does he acquire payments in agenda currencies, he additionally conducts his sales digitally.

Townley is not one for the acceptable bargain houses and galleries usually favoured by artists attractive to monetise their work. Instead, he prefers WhatsApp and added amusing media platforms. His account of antecedent buys not alone includes the affluent and famous, but additionally hails from all over the planet. It accordingly makes absolute faculty for him to favour a absolutely borderless agency of acquittal like that offered by cryptocurrency.

Dubbed by Caine as “the abutting Andy Warhol,” Townley turns his adenoids up at the acceptable art apple and their conventions. It was partially for this acumen that he afresh absitively to advertise an absolute accumulating of his assignment for cryptocurrency over the advance of one weekend, application alone amusing media. Many of the buyers never alike saw the assignment in absolute activity afore it had been delivered.

However, his accommodation to use cryptocurrency additionally stems from a acceptance that those who acknowledge artwork as a store-of-value are generally fatigued to agenda assets such as Bitcoin for the aforementioned reason. Townley additionally states that abounding are gluttonous to alter the assets they are captivation by affairs his art. He explained to the U.K.’s Express newspaper:

“They are attractive for a actual asset they can put this newfound bill into.”

Townley believes that his access to the affairs and announcement artwork could advice to transform the industry. He says goes on to accompaniment that he is acid out the agent from sales and appropriately the action is added able and he receives a better acquittal for his work:

“The best affair is it fuels my acceptance that galleries are accessory to an artist’s success – they aloof charge to attending at galleries as addition cord to their bow. There are so abounding added means to get sales with technology.”

Whilst affairs art for cryptocurrency is by no agency the barometer yet, some, like adolescent technologically absorbed artist Zoran Kutozovic, accept that eventually all of their aeon will activate to analyze the allowances of application agenda currencies for sales of their aerial amount work.